Creativity, Novelty, Practicality are three substantive conditions for patent hcensing, among which Creativity is espe-cially most subjective, most difficult to grasp. Creativity is called “Non -Obviousness” in the United States, “Inventive Step” in Europe or“Progressive” in Japan, which meanings are basically the same. In China, Creativity consists of two parts: one is “Prominent Substantive Features”, which is equivalent to “Non-Obviousness”; the other is “Significant Progress”, which re-flects“Beneficial Technical Effects”. As one of the dements of “Prominent Substantive Features”,“Prior Art” is recommended to be identified in maximum range in order to effectively prevent garbage patents flooding. In form Creativity in China appears higher than those in other countries, but in fact “Beneficial Technical Effects” is the main connotation of patent Practicality con-dition. In order to simplify Creativity review, it is recommended to cancel the requirement of “Significant Progress” in Creativity in China.
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