目的 研究 Down综合征动物模型常染色体 16三体胎鼠及其正常同窝鼠肠神经系 (enteric nervoussystem,ENS)发育状况。方法 (1)将 NMR- 1雌鼠与携带有两个 Robertsonian(Rb)易位 (11,16 ) ,Rb(16 ,17)8L ubt WL ub3雄鼠进行交配 ,繁殖常染色体 16三体胎鼠。 (2 )采用细胞遗传学分析 ,以检出两条 Rb染色体和 41条染色体者定为常染色体 16三体胎鼠。 (3)采用高度特异的神经标记物蛋白基因产物 9.5 (protein gene product 9.5 ,PGP 9.5 )抗体进行免疫组织化学染色。结果 在胚胎期第 13天 (em bryonic days,ED13) ,常染色体 16三体胎鼠和正常同窝鼠的肠壁内均未发现有神经元存在。 ED14时 ,正常同窝鼠肠壁内可见散在分布的神经元 ;至 ED15时 ,散在分布的神经元胞体间以突起相连 ,形成原始肌间神经丛 ;ED16时 ,肌间神经丛呈网络状 ,具有发育良好的神经节。而 ED14~ ED16时的常染色体 16三体胎鼠肠壁仅发现散在分布的神经元胞体。 ED17和 ED18时 ,正常同窝鼠ENS发育良好 ,肌间神经丛形成 ,且分布广泛 ,排列成规则的神经网络 ,粘膜下神经丛形态不规则 ,两丛间有广泛的神经纤维联系。同胎龄期常染色体 16三体胎鼠 ENS发育迟缓 ,粘膜下神经丛缺如 ,后肠末端有 5 mm无神经节的肠管。从 ED18~ ED14常染色体 16?
Objective To study the development of the intestinal innervation of trisomy 16 mouse embryos and their normal littermates from embryonic days 13~18 (ED13~ED18). Methods (1) Trisomy 16 mouse embryos used in this study were produced by crossing NMR1 females with males carrying the two Robertsonian (Rb) translocation chromosomes Rb (11, 16) and Rb (16,17) 8 Lubt wLub3 . (2) Cytogenetic analysis: accurate ascertainment of trisomy 16 was provided by the demonstration of two Rb metecentric chromosomes and a count of 41 chromosome arms. (3) Rabbitantihuman protein gene product 9.5 antibody was used in PAP and Avidinbiotin methods. Results At ED13, neither nervous plexuses nor neurons were found in the gut of trisomy 16 mouse embryos and their normal littermates. And in the gut of normal littermates there appear only a scattering neurons with light staining nucleuses at ED14, the irregular network of the myenteric plexus composed of scattering distribution neurons and their processes at ED15 and the regular meshworks of the myenteric plexus with developed ganglia at ED16. However, in trisomy 16 mouse embryos at ED14~ED16, enteric nervous system(ENS) was composed of only some scattering neurons with different distribution density and size. The development of ENS was well in ED17ED18 normal littermates. The developed myenteric plexus was composed of nervous meshworks with regular distribution. The submucosal plexus had irregularly shaped. The interconnecting strands were frequent visible between the myenteric and submucosal plexuses. In the gut of trisomy 16 mouse embryos the submucosal plexus was absent and the development and differentiation of the myenteric plexus were lower compared with their normal littermates. An important finding was that 5 mm aganglionic bowel was firstly found in the end of colon. In this study, the developed mesentery nervous fibers were persent and innervated in both type animal guts from ED14 to ED18. Conclusions It was original report to find the developmental delay of the ENS, abse
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae