湖南方言特殊的多音多义现象表现为两种情况 :一是普通话为同形同音词 ,它们在湖南某些方言中因意义不同而有不同的读音 ,形成多音多义现象 ;二是普通话为一词多义 ,它们在湖南一些方言中因意义不同而读音不同 。
The particular polyphonic polysemous phenomena in Hunan dialect occur in two situations: first, when they are homonyms in standard Chinese, the words are polyphonic polysemous for distinct meanings and pronounciations in some Hunan dialect; second, when they are polysemants in standard Chinese, the words are polyphonic polysemous for distinct meanings and pronounciations in some Hunan dialect.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University