通过菌种分离和筛选,得到7种具有除臭功能的菌株,并复配形成微生物除臭剂。在污泥填埋单元和垃圾中转站集装箱中,考察了微生物除臭剂对污泥和生活垃圾中H2S、NH3、CS2等恶臭组分以及臭气浓度等的去除效果。研究发现:在5 d后,该微生物除臭剂对污泥填埋单元中H2S、NH3、CS2和臭气浓度的抑制率分别为12.6%~29.7%、19.7%~56.1%、1.0%~11.1%和57.8%~65.3%;在48 h内,对生活垃圾集装箱中H2S、NH3、CS2和臭气浓度的抑制率分别为25.9%~52.8%、23.6%~60.0%、0.7%~29.7%和25.0%~57.8%。此外,该微生物除臭剂还可有效抑制集装箱垃圾VOC的释放。
7 types of deodorant bacterial strains were obtained after separation and screening, and then were mixed to form microbial deodorizer. The effects of the microbial deodorizer on odorous compounds (HES, NH3 and CS2) and odor concentration reduction from sludge landfill unit and domestic waste container of waste transfer station were studied. The result showed that the removal efficiency of H2S, NH3, CS2 and odor concentration can be up to 12. 6%-29. 7%, 19. 7%-56. 1%, 1.0%-~11. 1% and 57. 8%-65. 3% respectively for sludge landfill unit after 5 days, and the removal efficiency of H2S, NH3, CS2 and odor concentration can be reduced by 25.9%-52. 8%, 23.6%-60. 0%, 0. 7%-29. 7% and 25. 0%-57. 8% respectively for domestic waste container in 48 hours. Moreover, the concentration of VOC was also reduced effectively by microbial deodorizer for domestic waste in the container.
Environmental Sanitation Engineering