随着计算机技术的高速发展,高校实验机房管理所遇到的问题呈爆炸式的增加,传统的管理手段已经不能适应多样性的教学需求。桌面虚拟技术的应用,避免了传统管理由于终端分布造成的管理困难和成本高昂。VMware view是一款专门用于实现桌面虚拟化的解决方案,构建"桌面即可管理的服务"(desktop as a managed service)模式,为桌面虚拟化环境确立了一个新的质量、成本和可伸缩性标准,在测试环境中,它能很好地解决机房管理所遇到的难题。
With the rapid development of computer technology,the problems encountered in the management of university computer lab increase dramatically and keep challenging the traditional management methods which can no longer fulfill the diverse teaching demand.Comparing to the terminal distribution in the traditional management,desktop virtualization technology can lower the cost and simplify the management of the lab.Devoted to the realization of desktop virtualization solutions,VMware view constructs "the desktop management service" model,and establishes a new quality,cost and the scalability standard.It proved to be effective in the testing environment.
Journal of Fujian Commercial College