目的探讨十二指肠粘膜直径1cm以内隆起性病变的性质及其与临床的关系。方法观察60例十二指肠隆起性病变的内镜表现特点 ,对活检标本行HE染色 ,7例疑有胃上皮化生标本行AB -PAS粘液组织化学染色 ,光镜下观察。结果内镜表现为单个或多个广基息肉状隆起 ,病理检查显示慢性十二指肠炎49例 ,其中粘膜内有继发于炎症的不同程度肠腺上皮增生、胃上皮化生及Brun ner腺增生等病变。另有胃粘膜异位5例 ,血吸虫病2例 ,良性淋巴组织增殖2例。
Objective The endoscopic aspects and clinical significance of prominent duodenal mucosal lesions < 10 mm in diameter were observed .Methods The endoscopic features of 60 cases with such lesions were included in the study .Specimens were stained with HE dye except 7 with suspected gastric epithelial metaplasia , stained with AB-PAS method .Results Single or multiple sessile polypoid prominences were viewed in every case . Pathology showed : pictures of chronic duodenitis in 49 cases associated with varying grades of duodenal ±gastric epithelial metaplasia ±Brunner gland hyperplasia ; ectopic gastric mucosa in 5 occasions ; schistosomiasis and benign hyperplasia of lymphatic tissue in 2 of each .Conclusion The duodenal mucosal prominences < 10 mm in diameter of this series were derived from benign hyperplasia secondary to chronic inflammation.
Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy