数据库系统可以说是现代信息管理系统和计算机应用系统的核心,而数据库管理系统(DBMS)作为数据库系统的核心,其安全性可以说是上述系统的"生命线"。在众多的DBMS中,微软公司推出的SQL Server系列占据了DBMS市场的半壁江山,也成为入侵者的主要攻击对象。在诸多的攻击方式中,利用系统管理员SA的弱口令漏洞攻击是最常见的方式之一。对SA弱口令的危害进行了简单阐述,并提出了有针对性的解决方案。
The database system is the core of modern information management systems and computer application systems.As the essential part of database systems,the security of DBMS is the lifeblood in all the systems mentioned above.Of numerous DBSMS,the series of SQL Server from Microsoft occupies a commanding position in the market and also it becomes the chief objective of intruders.Of so many attacks,the most common method is to take advantage of a loophole in the weak password of system administrators SA.The author of this article makes a brief talk on the harm of SA passwords and puts forward a pertinent solution.
Journal of Xingtai Polytechnic College