
宁夏肉牛杂交改良群体肌肉生长抑制素基因多态性分析 被引量:2

Study on Polymorphisms of MSTN Gene in Improved Hybrid Beef Cattle Groups in Ningxia Province
摘要 试验旨在对宁夏六盘山区肉牛杂交改良群体肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因的多态性进行研究,为宁夏肉牛杂交改良选育提供理论基础。采用PCR-RFLP对该群体110头个体MSTN基因多态性进行检测。结果扩增出1346bp的目的片段,其PCR产物被限制性内切酶DraⅠ消化后表现出多态性,共检测到2种基因型:AT和TT,其中AT基因型频率为0.0545,TT基因型频率为0.9455;T为优势等位基因,TT基因型为优势等位基因。因此,宁夏六盘山区的肉牛杂交改良群体MSTN基因具有多态性。 Polymorphism of the myostatin(MSTN) in improved hybrid beef cattle group from Liupan Mountain area in Ningxia province was investigated to give the rationale for hybrid improvement.Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms(PCR-RFLP) technology was carried out to examine polymorphisms of MSTN gene of 110 individuals.PCR products of 1346 bp digested by restriction enzyme DraⅠ showed polymorphisms.The frequencies of two genotypes(AT and TT) were 0.0545 and 0.9455.The frequency of T allele was higher than A allele,and frequency of TT genotype was higher than AT genotype.There were two genotypes of MSTN gene in improved hybrid beef cattle group from Liupan Mountain area in Ningxia province.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期148-152,共5页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 宁夏科技计划项目(5183003) 科技人员服务企业项目(2009GJG30036)
关键词 肉牛 MSTN基因 多态性 beef cattle myostatin gene polymorphism
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