F4 3 5作高油酸亲本与 1 2个美国大花生品种配制杂交组合 ,并以大花生为轮回亲本回交 3次。结果表明 ,花生高油酸 ( 80 %左右 )性状由两对隐性基因 ( ol1 ol1 ol2 ol2 )控制。在美国大花生种质资源中 ,两对显、隐性基因杂合 ( Ol1 Ol1 ol2 ol2 和 ol1 ol1 Ol2 Ol2 )的种质普遍存在 ,而隐性纯合形式的种质很少。F2 和回交后自交 BCn+ 1S1 代群体出现 3 (正常油酸含量 )∶ 1 (高油酸含量 )的分离比例。两对隐性基因除控制高油酸性状外 ,对其它农艺性状无影响。花生棕榈酸、油酸和亚油酸的总和占整个花生脂肪酸的 90 %左右 。
Twelve crosses and three backcrosses were made using F435 as a source of high oleic acid with 12 virginia peanut lines as recurrent parents. The results showed two recessive genes ( ol 1ol 1ol 2ol 2 ) controlling the high oleic acid trait and showed simple monogenic inheritance in F 2 and BC n+1 S 1 generation. A ratio of 3∶1 (normal to high oleic) had been obtained in those populations. which suggested that mixture of Ol 1Ol 1ol 2ol 2 and ol 1ol 1Ol 2Ol 2 genotypes might be common, while the ol 1ol 1ol 2ol 2 genotype like F435 might be rare in peanut germplasm of the USA. When the proportion of genes from F435 was reduced through backcrossing to less than 6.3%, fatty acid composition remained similar to the original F435 line. Agronomic characteristics were not observed to be affected by the fatty acid composition change. Palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids together constitute 90% of most peanut oil.
Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences
U NDP援助项目! ( CPR/ 96/ 10 2 / A/ 99)