目的:探讨腰椎椎弓峡部裂患者的椎间盘退变程度及其临床意义。方法:对73 例腰椎椎弓峡部裂行腰椎MRI 检查。在正中矢状面MRI 图像上根据T2 加权像椎间盘信号强度判定相邻腰椎椎间盘退行性变程度。结果:73 例中椎间盘退变程度0 级22 例,1 级17 例,2 级13 例,3 级14 例,4 级7 例。椎间盘退变程度与年龄相关性非常显著( P< 0 .01) ,但与腰椎滑脱程度相关性不显著( P> 0 .05) 。结论:术前MRI 检查有助于判定椎间盘退变程度并选择正确的融合术式。
To investigate the degree of disc degeneration in patients with spondylolysis and its clinical significance.Methods:Lumbar MRI examination was performed upon 73 patients with spondylolysis.The grade of degeneration at the adjacent segments was evaluated upon the signal intensity of midsagittal T 2 weighted images.Results:22 discs were identified with grade 0,17 discs grade 1,13 discs grade 2,14 discs grade 3 and 7 discs grade 4.The grade of disc degeneration was signifcicantly correlated with the age( P <0.01) but irrelative with the grade of vertebral slip( P > 0.05) .Conclusion:Preoperative MRI examination is of great importance to evaluation of disc degeneration and to the choice of optical fusion protocol.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy