2Angela Veng Mei Leong, The Disruption of International Organized Crime, Ashgate Publishing, 2007, p. 9. 被引量:1
3Howard Abadinsky, The Criminal Elite: Professional and Organized Crime, Greenwood Press, 1983, p. 111. 被引量:1
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5Robert J. Kelly, Organized Crime, A Global Perspective, Powman & Littlefield Publishers,1986, p. 33. 被引量:1
6Howard Abadinsky, Organized Crime, Seventh Edition, Thomson Wadsworth, 2003, pp. 69--70, pp. 326--328, p. 73. 被引量:1
7James D, Calder, William S. Lynch, From Apalachin to the Buffalo Project: Obstacles on the Path to Effective Federal Respon- ses to Organized Crime 1957-- 1967, Trends Organ Crim,Vol. 11,2008. 被引量:1
8Alan Wright, Organized Crime, Willan Publishing, 2006, p. 119. 被引量:1
9Robert J. Kelly, Trapped in the Folds of Discourse: Theorizing bout the Under--world, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, February 1992. 被引量:1
10Report of the United States Delegation, Document for the First Session of the International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law in the Global Era (supplementary Documents), October 24--26, 2009, Beijing China. 被引量:1