目的 :探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 (OSA )患者的上气道周围软组织异常及其病理生理意义。 方法 :10 2例男性 OSA患者及 37名健康成年男性 ,经整夜多导睡眠仪检查诊断或排除 OSA。采用数字化技术摄取受试者头颅侧位片 ,应用 NIH Im age软件测定长度及面积参数共 12项。 结果 :OSA患者存在下述软组织异常 :1软腭较长及面积较大 ;2舌总体面积 ,尤其下部舌面积显著较大 ;3舌与软腭接触面较大 ;4喉咽部较长 ,管壁较厚。多元逐步回归分析提示 ,除肥胖因素外 ,舌体的下移可能在 OSA的发生发展中亦起一定作用。 结论 :OSA患者存在上气道软组织异常。应用形态学测量结合动态指标观察及病理生理手段 ,对 OSA患者的上气道及周围结构异常进行深入的综合研究 ,这对阐明 OSA的发病机制和为患者选择个体化治疗方案十分重要。
Objectives: To explore the upper airway soft tissue abnormalities and their possible contributions to the apneic severity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Methods: One night polysomnographic examination and a lateral cephalogram were performed in 102 male OSA patients and 37 healthy men. Twelve variables representing the length and area of the upper airway soft tissues were measured by a computer software (NIH Image). Results: OSA patients had: ① an elongated and larger soft palate,② a greater total tongue volume, especially an increased inferior tongue mass,③ an elongated contact line between the soft palate and the tongue, ④an elongated pharyngeal airway and thicker airway wall, possibly due to increased fatty tissue deposit. Multiple stepwise regression analysis disclosed that the length of the pharyngeal wall (or the area of the inferior tongue) was the second most important contributing factors to the apneic severity next to body mass index. Conclusions: OSA patients had significant upper airway soft tissue abnormalities and cephalometric analysis of these abnormalities is useful both in the investigation of the pathogenesis and the selection of an individualized treatment modality for each OSA patients.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates
国家卫生部川医学奖学金归国启动基金!资助 (编号 99-0 3 3 )