本文以较好年景的产量为插值结点构造样条插值函数作为最优产量的初始值yG^0,通过线性方程组求解得出不利气候因素影响指数的初始值C_1~0。再经过多次迭代逼近,求出最优气候条件下的最优产量yG以及不利气候因素X_1的影响指数C_1,从而建立产量预报模式■=■G(1-sum from i=1 to m(c_ix_i))
In this paper, first of all, the initial value yG^0 of maximum yield is determined on the assumption that the yG^0 equals to the spline interpolation function which is obtained by considering the yield of better harvest years as interpolation nodes and the initial values c_i of influencing indexes of harmful climatic conditions are given by means of solving a series of linear equations. Then, the maximum yield YG under optimum climatic conditions and influencing indexes c_i of unfavorabal climatic conditions x_i are evaluated by repeatly using iteration approximation. In the final, one new kind of model of yield prediction is given, as follow■=y_G(1-sum from i=1 to ∞ c_iX_i)
Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology