为研究不同猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)疫苗的的免疫特性,分别采用PRRSV变异株(JXA1-R)弱毒疫苗、经典PRRSV(VR 2332)弱毒疫苗、变异株(JXA1)灭活疫苗,免疫接种PRRSV抗原和抗体阴性的健康断奶仔猪,免疫接种后70d用PRRSV变异株强毒攻毒,ELISA检测血清中PRRSV特异的抗体水平及IFN-γ、IL 2、IL 4、IL 8、IL 10的水平,并进行临床症状和肺部病理组织学观察和评分。结果表明,VR 2332、JXA1-R弱毒疫苗对免疫猪攻毒保护效果差异不显著,均为63.6%(7/11),JXA1灭活疫苗免疫攻毒保护效果较差,为36.4%(4/11)。试验还发现病毒感染猪血清中细胞因子IFN-γ和IL-10的比值可以作为评价疫苗免疫效果的一个指标。
To evaluate the immune protective efficacy of the attenuated and inactivited vaccines of PRRSV strains,healthy piglets were immunized with VR 2332 attenuated vaccine,JXA1-R and JXA1 attenuated and inactivited vaccines of PRRSV mutant strains,respectively,and challenged with PRRSV JXA1 virulent strains 7 weeks after vaccination.Blood samples were collected for detecting PRRSV-specific antibodies and IFN-γ,IL2,IL4,IL8,IL10,and the clinical symptoms and histopathological lesions in lungs were evaluated.The results showed that the pathological lesions and clinical symptoms of piglets in the group immunized with inactivated vaccine were significantly higher than those of attenuated vaccine.The protective efficacy of VR 2332,JXA1-R attenuated vaccine and JXA1 inactivated vaccines were 63.6%(7/11),63.6%(7/11),and 36.4%(4/11),respectively.Elevated levels of IFN-γ and IL-10 cytokine production in sera and an unbalanced profile of Th1(IFN-γ)/Th2(IL-10) responses in this study were also observed,and the IFN-γ/IL-10 is a evaluated index of the immune responses and protective efficacy.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine