麻栗坡三保及国内 2 0余处银 锰矿床 ,绝大多数只是氧化矿石才有工业价值。其共同特征是银被锰 (铁 )氧化物吸附 ,浮选难以回收 ,常采用强磁选提高其品位 ,达到冶炼高炉富锰渣的要求 ,并综合回收含银粗铅、生铁及氧化锌粉。基于此特点 ,建议在我国银矿床分类上 ,将其单独列出一类 ,即银 锰型银矿床。
There are more than 20 Ag-Mn deposits in the Sanbao area.For most of them,only the oxidized ore is commercial.They are characterized generally by the Mn(Fe) oxide absorbing Ag,whose recovery is difficult with flotation.Therefore,their grade is raised usually by the intensive magnetic separation in order to meet the metallurgcal requirement and comprehensively recover the raw Pb bearing Ag,Fe and the powder of zinc oxide.Basing upon these characteristics,the Ag deposit of Ag-Mn type must be particularly separated in the Ag deposit classification in China.
Yunnan Geology