
天津市重点公共场所及工作场所被动吸烟情况调查 被引量:5

A Survey about the Second-hand Smoke Exposure in Public Places and Workplaces in Tianjin
摘要 目的了解天津市五类重点公共场所、工作场所内的被动吸烟暴露情况,为制定有针对性的干预措施,实现重点场所的全面无烟提供依据。方法于2010年3-4月,对五类场所进行调查,包括医院25家,学校30家,政府机构23家,疾病预防控制(简称"疾控")机构10家,公共交通场所5个,共计93家,在场所内采用方便抽样的方式选取调查对象,通过一对一面对面问卷调查,共调查1 860人。结果现在吸烟率为22.2%,男性为43.26%,女性为2.78%。不同类型场所人员的吸烟率分别为医院22.8%,学校13.0%,政府机构26.3%,疾控机构33.0%,公共交通场所33.0%。吸烟者调查当天在被调查场所内吸烟的比例为41.26%,有500人(26.88%)在调查当天看到有其他人在本场所吸烟。50.1%的人员每周都暴露于被动吸烟危害之中,其中有18.2%的人每周被动吸烟暴露时间超过5天。结论虽然重点场所人群整体吸烟状况有所好转,但是,整体吸烟率仍处于较高水平;公众对禁烟规定的知晓和执行情况较差,二手烟暴露情况依旧十分严重。为早日实现重点场所全面无烟,政府及各部门、场所应积极采取措施,控制烟草烟雾危害。 Objective To understand the second-hand smoke exposure in five kinds of public places and workplaces in Tianjin. Methods From March to April 2010, 93 public places and workplaces, include 25 hospitals, 30 schools, 23 government buildings, 10 CDCs, 5 traffic places, were surveyed. Using the convenience sampling method, 1 860 persons were selected to do face-to-face questionnaire about smoking and SHS smoking. Results The current smoking rate was 22.2%, 43.6% for men and 2.78% for women. The smoking rate was 22.8%, 13.0%, 26.3%, 33.0%, 33.0% respectively in hospital, school, government building, CDC, traffic station. 41.26% smokers smoked in the survey sites, and there were 500 persons (26.88%) who found smokers smoking in the survey sites. More than 50% were exposed to the harm of SHS exceed one day a week, and 18.2% were mort than 5 days per week. Conclusion Though the situation of smoking control is getting better than before, the smoking rate is still higher in Tianjin than in most of the other places in China. The rates of awareness and implementation of the regulation on banning smoking is low. The rate of exposure to second-hand smoke is high.
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2012年第2期132-134,共3页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
关键词 二手烟 吸烟 工作场所 公共场所 Second-hand smoke Smoking Workplaces Public places
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