“数字地球”概念的提出对地理信息系统的集成开发提出了新的要求。针对目前一些主流的地理信息系统数据库设计及系统集成技术 ,比较分析了不同解决方案的特点及存在的问题 ,并通过具体实例 ,展示不同方案的实际应用效果 ,为实用型的地理信息系统应用软件的设计和实施提供参考。
It is an unavoidable tendency that GIS technology will finally be integrated into the mainstream of IT industry, that means traditional GIS system integrating technologies will meet great challenge. Some concepts in “Digital Earth” may be taken as criteria for future development of GIS. Some popular GIS integration schemes, such as embedded system integration , multi GIS platform integration and com based system integration are analysed. Examples of application of those schemes are compared and some problems are discussed. The results will be of reference value for further development of the system.
Tropical Geography