自适应光学技术已经成为现代地基天文光学望远镜的重要部分。在世界各地的天文台中 ,许多大型光学望远镜的自适应光学系统正在建造 ,不少的系统已经投入使用。自适应光学技术经过二十多年的发展 ,取得了越来越多的令人激动的天文观测成果 ,自适应光学正在接近成熟并正向天文实际应用的阶段转化。本文根据近几年来自适应光学望远镜在天文中的应用 ,对其所取得的天文成果给予介绍 ,并讨论了自适应光学系统所能开展的天文研究课题。
At present,the adaptive optics has become an important technique for the ground-based optical telescopes.Many adaptive optical systems are being developed for the large astronomical telescopes at the most of major observatories around the world and among them several systems have been put into full operation.After more than twenty years the adaptive optics has got more and more significant and exciting astronomical observation results.At present the adaptive optics is reaching maturity and is changing into practical application step for astronomy.According to the applications of the adaptive optics for the astronomical observation in recent years,an introduction to the astronomical results obtained is given,then the astronomical research topics that the adaptive optics system enables to do are also discussed.
Publications of the Yunnan Observatoty