本系统用Power Builder 10.0工具开发。主要介绍了人事管理系统的设计开发过程,详细论述了总体设计思想、功能模块设计。其系统主要功能包括以下几个模块:基本信息、管理操作、统计报表等。本系统基本上能满足现代企业人事管理的需要,人事管理系统中保存企业员工的基本信息、部门基本信息,这些信息方便查询、浏览、修改等操作。
Our faculty uses the Power Builder 10.0 Tool Development System.This system main introduce the process of the exploitation of personnel administration system.It is particular discussed the thought of design and the design of function or model.There are several models which contained by functions,including basic information,management operation,statistics statement and so on.Generally,this system can satisfy the demand of current corporation personnel administration,the basic information of employees and departments which saved in the personnel administration system.That information is easily to inquire,scan and modify.
Computer CD Software and Application