由于南沙河流域缺乏长系列实测径流资料,采用SWAT模型(Soil and Water AssessmentTool,土壤和水评价工具)分析北京南沙河流域干支流共16个断面不同水平年(P=50%、P=75%和P=95%)天然情况下的日流量过程。根据流域的DEM图(Digital Elevation Model,数字高程模型)、土地利用规划及土壤类型等大量流域基本资料建模,模型参数经实测流量过程率定后确定。运行模型可得到南沙河的日流量过程并经合理性分析,认为日流量过程基本符合天然来水情况。可供南沙河流域水质还清规划使用。
Because of the shortage of long series of observed runoff data in Nansha river, SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model were adopted to analyze daily runoff process in totally 16 measured cross-section in different return period (P=50%, P=75%, P=95%). Based on the information of DEM (Digital Elevation Model), land use plan, and soil categories of the Nansha river watershed in Beijing, a hydrological model was built with SWAT, and calibrated with observed precipitation and runoff data. Rationality analysis indicated the caculated results were reasonable.
Beijing Water