核素示踪法作为一种新的土壤侵蚀研究方法,在土壤侵蚀的沉积、侵蚀、运移研究上得到很好的应用。采用放射性核素作为土壤示踪剂,可以进行流域尺度范围研究,且可靠性比较高、省时省力。选择位于江淮丘陵东部的明光市鸡心岗水库两侧山坡和位于江淮分水岭西部的六安市裕安区青山乡淠河西侧的山坡为典型剖面,取土样进行137 Cs分析,测算出当地土壤侵蚀模数分别是4 521.5t/(km2.a)和4 830.1t/(km2.a),与全国遥感普查结果基本一致,表明该研究方法可以很好地进行流域尺度的土壤侵蚀研究,在安徽省和全国其他类似地区具有很好的应用价值。
As a new soil erosion research method,nuclide species trace method is widely used in soil deposit,erosion,and transportation study.It can be used in large watershed research by nuclide as soil tracer,which is more reliable and time-saving.This study chooses two sections and take soil samples at both sides of the Jixingang Reservoir of Mingguang City located in the east of the Jianghuai hilly areas,and the Peihe in Qingshan Town of Yu'an County in Lu'an City located in the west of the Jianghuai hilly areas.By the 137Cs measure and calculation,the local soil erosion models are 4 521.5 t/(km^2·a) and 4 830.1 t/(km^2·a).
China Rural Water and Hydropower