目的 :观察语言治疗对不同类型错语的影响及治疗效果 ,确定感觉性失语症命名困难的主要语言学层次损害。方法 :对 14例感觉性失语症患者进行 4周语言治疗 ,治疗前后对患者实施波士顿诊断性失语症检查汉语版中的图片命名测验 ,对测验中出现的错误分类记分 ;对 2例患者进行单病例实验设计 ,观察恢复早期与后遗症期的疗效。结果 :语言治疗后感觉性失语症患者的错语总量减少 ,急性期与恢复后期治疗后错语量减少的程度接近。结论 :语言治疗对减少感觉性失语症患者图片命名的错语有积极作用 ,语义性错语的出现率最高 ,提示感觉性失语症的命名困难以语义层次的损害为主。
Objective:To determine the main impairment of linguistic level on naming is through investigation of the occurance of rates of different types of paraphasias.The changes of paraphasias in picture naming before and after language treatment are observed to define the effect of language treatment on different types of paraphasias,and in early recovery and sequelae periods.Method:14 sensory aphasics were treated with language therapy for 4 weeks,and assessed with picture naming test of Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination Chinese Version before and after treatment.2 cases accepted single case experiment with 4 weaks treatment and 24 weaks nontreatment which were done alternately to observe curative effect in early recovery and sequelae periods.Result:There was a significiant decrease in total paraphasias.Chinese one character related paraphasia,unrelated verbal paraphasia,neologism,jargon and perseveration.The different scors for semantic paraphasia and circumlocution before and after treatment were not statistically significant.The occurance of rate of semantic paraphasisa took the top among different error types.The amount of paraphasia was decreased after treatment and there was no reduction in nontreatment phases in 2 cases accepted the single case experiment.The levels of paraphasia reduction in early recovery and sequelae periods after treatmnet was similar.Conclusion:Language treatment had a positive effect on reducing paraphasias in picture naming for sensory aphasics.The high occurance of rate of semantic paraphasia suggested that impaired naming in sensory aphasics mihgt be mainly damaged in semantic level.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine