目的:对复方苦蛇乳膏进行皮肤刺激试验和过敏试验,为科学评价其安全性提供依据。方法:采用家兔皮肤刺激试验,分完整皮肤组和破损皮肤组,连续给药5 d后观察;采用豚鼠皮肤过敏试验,于0、7、14 d左侧脱毛皮肤致敏,第28 d右侧脱毛皮肤激发,观察是否引起皮肤过敏或全身性过敏反应。结果:复方苦蛇乳膏对家兔完整皮肤无刺激性,对破损皮肤有轻度刺激性;豚鼠皮肤过敏试验未出现皮肤明显红斑、水肿等皮肤过敏反应及其它全身性过敏反应。结论:复方苦蛇乳膏是安全性较好的外用制剂。
Objective: To provide the basis for scientific evaluation about safety of compound kushe cream by skin irritation and allergy experiment.Methods: Skin irritation test on the integral skin and the damaged skin of rabbits was observed after 5days with cream;Skin allergic test on guinea pig was observed whether the skin or systemic allergic reactions expressed when the left skin without hair was irritated at 0,7and 14th day and the right skin without hair affected at the 28th day.Results: There was no irritation on the integral skin and there was slight irritation on the damaged skin of rabbit.Guinea pig′s skin test did not cause skin allergic reactions such as erythema and edema or systemic allergic reactions.Conclusion:The compound kushe cream has a good safety of topical formulations.
Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine