目的 探讨丙戊酸钠 (VPA)和卡马西平 (CBZ)治疗小儿癫痫的成本 -效果。方法 以随机对照临床试验VPA组 (4 3例 )和CBZ组 (4 2例 )作为分析模型 ,以上海市三级甲等医院的收费标准进行成本 -效果分析。结果 VPA治疗癫痫平均每减少一次发作的费用为 135 5 3元 ,较CBZ节约 6 1 14元 ;每控制 1例患儿的费用为92 1 82元 ,较CBZ节约 2 38 0 3元。在全部的费用中直接医疗费用占了较大部分。结论 同时考虑临床疗效和医疗费用 ,VPA治疗较CBZ有更好的成本 -效果。对于单一用药治疗小儿癫痫时 ,该结果值得临床借鉴。
Objective To compare the cost and cost-effectiveness of sodium valproate and carbamazepine for the treatment of children with epilepsy.Methods Cost-effectiveness analysis was done based on a randomized controlled trial in children with newly diagnosed epilepsy treated by sodium valproate (VPA group,n=43) or carbamazepine (CBZ group,n=42) in Children's Hospital of Shanghai Medical University.Results The cost of the VPA group was less than those of CBZ group for the reduction of seizure frequency within 12 weeks ($135 53 vs $196 67 per seizure reduced P< 0 05), and the percentage of patients with seizure-free within 12 weeks($921 82 vs $1159 85 per seizure controlled P<0 05).The major cost in the treatment of epilepsy was direct cost.Conclusion Considering the effectiveness and the costs, the VPA therapy is more efficient than the CBZ therapy. The VPA therapy should be recommended for its higher efficacy .
Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics