探讨孕安冲剂对先兆流产的疗效及机理。方法:用双盲法随机分组,设孕安冲剂治疗组580例与对照组(黄体酮组 50例,寿胎丸组50例)100例,观察对先兆流产的治疗情况;并进行了动物实验研究。结果:临床结果治疗组有效率为96.9%,高于黄体酮组的56.0%及寿胎丸组的86.0%(P<0.05)。动物实验研究结果显示,孕安冲剂对针刺和催产素所致实验性流产模型小鼠有明显的保胎作用,其疗效优于黄体酮组(P<0.05);服用孕安冲剂母鼠所产仔鼠与胎盘的重量明显大于模型组及黄体酮组(P<0.05);对妊娠大鼠离体子宫的正常收缩和催产素引起的兴奋性收缩,孕安冲剂可是抑制效应。结论:孕安冲剂治疗先兆流产有较好的疗效,并对婴幼儿未见不良影响。
To observe the effect of Yun'an Granule (YAG) on threatened abortion. Methods: Five hundred and eighty patients were divided randomly into the treatment group and the control group. The effect of YAG in treating 580 patients was observed by double-blinded method and compared with that treated with progesterone (50 cases) or Shoutal Pill (50 cases) in the control group. And experimental study was conducted also. Results: Clinical results showed that the therapeutic effective rate in YAG (96.9%) was obviously higher than that in the control group (56.0% for progesterone and 86.0% for Shoutai pill), the difference between them was significant (P<0.05). Experimental results also showed that the YAG had fetus protective effect on the acupuncture or oxytocin induced threatened abortion model in rats, which was better than that of progesterone (P<0.05). The mean weight of baby rats and placenta delivered by the mother rats which taken YAG were heavier than those which were untreated or treated by progesterone (P<0.05). In addition, YAG could inhibit the normal or oxytocin stimulated contraction of rat's isolated uterus. Conclusion: YAG has good effect in treating threatened abortion and without any adverse effect on fetus.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine