
马约翰在昆的体育思想与实践研究 被引量:1

Research on Ma John's Sports Idea and Practice in Kunming
摘要 提起马约翰先生,人们通常想到是他在清华对体育所做的贡献,而很少有人想起他在云南昆明的体育实践。本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、比较研究法对抗战时期马先生在昆明的体育实践进行研究,研究认为:马先生在昆的体育实践主要包括在西南联大的学校体育实践和在昆明组织的大众体育实践两大部分。在学校体育实践过程中马先生延续了他在清华形成的以自然主义体育为主的教育思想,重视体育对人全面教育的作用;在大众体育实践中马先生在延续他自然主义体育思想的同时与战时的民族主义体育思想发生了交叉,他将自然主义科学、民主的体育方法运用于民族主义体育实践中,取得了良好的成绩。 When talking about Mr.Ma-John,most of people usually think about his contribution about the sports of Tsinghua,few remember his achievement in Yunnan Kunming.Through using the method of literature review,logical analysis and comparative study,this paper discusses the Mr.Ma's sports practice in the period of anti-Japanese war.Conclusion: Mr.Ma's sports practice concludes in the physical education in the National South-West Associated University and the public sports in Yunnan Kunming in the period of anti-Japanese war.Mr.Ma's mail idea of the physical education is the naturalism sports which is formed in Tsinghua University,attention to sports on the role of human all-round education.In the public sports,Mr.Ma's sports idea is getting involved in the nationalism sports.Throng using the scientific and democratic manner of nationalism sports,which is belong to the naturalism sports,Mr.Ma's nationalism sports practice is very well.
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2012年第5期117-119,125,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 实践 马约翰 体育思想 practice Ma John sport idea
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