根据电子商务环境中分布式和异构性数据挖掘服务需求,设计了基于移动Agent和Web Service的五层分布式数据挖掘服务框架,实现数据挖掘服务与电子商务系统的松散耦合。从整体框架给出数据挖掘服务质量评价体系,包括支撑性服务质量评价和算法服务质量评价。具体分析了.NET平台下移动Agent的迁移和WCF技术创建数据挖掘服务过程组件的实现。
According to the data mining service needs of a distributed and heterogeneous E-commerce environment, this paper designs a five-layer distributed data mining service framework, realizes the loose-coupling between data mining service and Ecommerce systems, provides the data mining service quality evaluation system from overall framework, including the supporting service quality evaluation and algorithm service quality evaluation. The implementation of mobile Agent migration under the .NET platform and how to construct data mining service components is analyzed.
Microcomputer & Its Applications