实验观察磷酸吡哆醛对培养的海马神经细胞形态学的影响 ,选用妊娠 18d Wistar大鼠胎鼠 ,采用酶消化法获得单个海马神经细胞 ,通过原代低密度细胞培养法观察磷酸吡哆醛 (PLP)对其形态学的影响。结果表明 :在浓度为 1,10μ m时 ,能明显地促进海马神经细胞轴突的伸展 ,但对树突总长度、每个轴突上的分叉数及胞体的突起数均无明显影响 ;Ifenprodil和 Picrotoxin尽管能明显拮抗 PL P介导的神经细胞营养作用 ,但对 PL P的促神经细胞伸展作用却无明显影响。总之 ,认为 PL P之所以具有促海马神经细胞轴突伸展作用 ,不是通过 PL P神经细胞的营养作用来发挥的。
The effects of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) on the morphological changes of cultured hippocampal neuron cells were investigated. Hippocampal neurons from an 18 day old embryonic Wistar rat were prepared by enzymatic digestion and exposed to PLP in the low cell density condition. The results indicate that PLP at concentrations of 1, 10μm significantly promoted the elongation of the longest axon like process in low cell density cultures. On the other hand, PLP showed no effects on other parameters such as the total length of dendrites, the numbers of branch points per axon, and the numbers of processes per soma. Ifenprodil and picrotoxin, although at the concentrations both counteracted the survival promoting activities of hippocampal neurons caused by PLP, failed to take any actions on the neurite elongation induced by PLP. In conclusion, PLP did have the elongation promoting activity for hippocampal neurons, the mechanisms underlying its positive effects on neurogenesis needs to be further elucidated.
pyridoxal phosphate(PLP)
neuronal elongation
cultured hippocampal neurons
Wistar rats