

"Energy" and "Energy in language":On the Translation Theory of Ezra Pound
摘要 "势"(energy)与"语势"(energy in language/energy of language)是研究庞德翻译理论的重要概念。庞德通晓十几种外语,试图通过大量的诗歌翻译为英诗注入新的活力与动势,力图改变维多利亚时期抑扬格五音步抽象说教的诗风。因此,庞德采取了"解释性翻译"和"原文写作"(亦"创作新诗")的翻译策略。在翻译中浸入原诗氛围及诗人"情绪",极力移植"强烈的情感"。"势,即情寓于形"的观点使庞德在翻译中通过音象、形象及义象等"有机形式"或"内容派生"取势。他在翻译中强调"创新",强调声音、节奏、措辞、词语并置及位移。 "Energy" and "energy in language/ energy of language" are key concepts in the study of Pound's translation theory. The paper aims to explore Pound's theory of translation in the perspective of "energy" and "energy in language. " With the command of more than ten for- eign languages, Pound attempted to rejuvenate English poetry, to lend energy to English poetry by way of translation, aiming to change Victorian iambic pentameter characteristic of abstraction and didacticism. As a result, Pound adopted "interpretive translation" and "original writing, " or "making a new poem. " In translation, Pound aimed at the transmission of the emotional intensi- ty by keeping in the atmosphere, the "state of mind" of the poet. Pound's argument of "Energy, or emotion, expresses itself in form" led to his emphasis on "organic form, " or "content-deriva- tive, " on melopoeia, phanopoeia and logopoeia in translation, which, in turn, resulted in his emphasis on "making it new", sound and rhythm, diction juxtaposition and movement of words in translation.
作者 谢丹
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期128-133,共6页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 四川省教育厅2011年度面上项目"庞德‘语势’研究--兼及与本雅明‘纯语言’翻译理论比较研究"(项目编号:11SB049)
关键词 语势 庞德 庞德翻译理论 energy energy in language Pound Pound's theory of translation
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  • 1Yip,Wai-lim.Ezra Pound’s Cathay[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,1969. 被引量:1
  • 2Kenner,H.The Pound Era[M].Berkeley&Los Angeles:University of California Press,1971. 被引量:1
  • 3Gentzler,E.Contemporary Translation Theories[M].London&New York:Routledge,1993. 被引量:1
  • 4Pound,E.How to read[M]//T.S.Eliot(ed.).Literary Essays of Ezra Pound.2nd ed.London&Boston:Faber andFaber,1954. 被引量:1
  • 5Pound,E.Notes on Elizabethan classicists[M]//T.S.Eliot(ed.).Literary Essays of Ezra Pound.2nd ed.London&Boston:Faber and Faber,1954. 被引量:1
  • 6Pound,E.A retrospect[M]//T.S.Eliot(ed.).Literary Essays of Ezra Pound.2nd ed.London&Boston:Faber andFaber,1954. 被引量:1
  • 7Pound,E.To William Carlos Williams(October 1908,Letter 2)[M]//D.D.Paige(ed.).The Selected Letters of EzraPound 1907-1941.London:Faber and Faber,1950. 被引量:1
  • 8Pound,E.Date line[M]//T.S.Eliot(ed.).Literary Essays of Ezra Pound.2nd ed.London&Boston:Faber and Fa-ber,1954. 被引量:1
  • 9Apter,R.Digging for the Treasure:Translation after Pound[M].New York:Peter Lang,1984. 被引量:1
  • 10Pound,E.Arnaut Daniel[M]//T.S.Eliot(ed.).Literary Essays of Ezra Pound.2nd ed.London&Boston:Faberand Faber,1954. 被引量:1








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