

On Economic Law's Legal Regulation of Contracts between Banks and Government
摘要 在我国银行业发展中具有战略意义的国有商业银行由于特殊的历史发展轨迹与政府渊源颇深,与政府的关系亦错综复杂。因此,完善调整与国有商业银行有关的经济法就必须重点关注银政关系问题。公共选择学派认为合约具有解决跨越公共生活和市民生活的"跨界问题"的魔力,这为研究银政关系提供了新的视角。从合约的视野观察,我国银政合约由强制合约向自由化合约演进。银政合约自由化进程还需相关法律制度的完善。然而调整银政合约的经济法尚存诸多不和谐之处,这是由于合约主体功利目标冲突、合约安排不当等造成,为改变此种不和谐现状,调整银政合约的经济法应从银政交往方式、交往机制、具体规范等方面进行重塑。 State-owned commercial banks, playing an important part in the development of Chinese commercial banks, have got a close relationship with government due to the unique evo- lutionary path. Therefore, economic law which regulates state-owned commercial banks should concentrate on relations between banks and government. Public choice theory believes that con- tract has the power to solve problems between public life and civil life. Contract theory provides us an inspiration approach for research on legal regulation between banks and government. In the perspective of contract, contract between banks and government evolved from enforcement to lib- eralization. The development of contract between banks and government needs perfect legal sys- tem. However, economic law which regulates the contract has many problems, and the reasons are conflicts of utilitarian goals, improper contractual arrangement etc. To change such disharmony, economic law should be rebuilt on communication methods, exchange mechanism, specif- ic rules etc.
作者 李西臣
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期35-43,共9页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 西华大学重点科研基金人才引进项目"银政国有金融资产管理关系的法律调整研究"(编号:ZW1020701) 四川省教育厅青年基金项目"本土语境下金融消费者权益保护法律制度研究"(编号:10SB077)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 银政合约 经济法 银政经济法律关系 contract between banks and government economic law economic legal relations between banks and government
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