
语言与性别身份研究新发展:实践社团理论 被引量:1

Community of Practice Theory:A New Development in the Study of Language and Gender Identity
摘要 实践社团理论突破传统上性别身份的"本质论"和"拥有论",提出从社会实践视角来研究语言与性别身份,聚焦语言在社会实践中对性别身份的动态建构。然而,该理论过于强调性别身份的动态性,忽略了其相对稳定性。在言语实践中,性别身份应该是按照"被建构→相对稳定→再建构→再稳定"的循环模式不断发展的。实践社团理论拓展了语言与性别身份研究的广度和深度,同时具有现实指导意义。 Community of Practice theory is distinguished from traditional paradigms of gender identity such as 'essentialism' and 'possession'.It suggests that language and gender identity be studied from the perspective of social practices and concentrates on the dynamic construction of gender identity by language in social practices.However,it overemphasizes the dynamic aspect of gender identity in disregard of its relatively static nature.In linguistic practices,gender identity develops in the cycle of 'being constructed→relatively static→being reconstructed→relatively static'.While furthering the study of language and gender identity,Community of Practice theory also has practical implications.
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期6-9,13,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
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