为配合细菌浸出金川低品位镍矿中镍和钴的生物冶金研究工作,分别研究了Ni(2+)和Co(2+)对试验用氧化亚铁硫杆菌的活性影响。结果表明.在常用的细菌浸出条件(30℃,pH 2.0)下, Ni(2+)和Co(2+)对该菌株的活性有较大影响。经过在含一定浓度的Ni(2+)、Co(2+)培养基中驯化后,该菌株已基本上能适应耐[Ni(2+)]40g.1.[Co(2+)]30g,具有较强的氧化Fe(2+)的能力。
The effect of Ni^(2+) and Co^(2+) on the activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (T.f) used in experiments was studied respectively, which was coordinated with research and developmental work of bioleaching of nickel and cobalt from Jingchuan low grade nickel ore. Experimental results show that Ni2+ and Co^(2+) have greater influences on the activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans under the common bioleaching condition of temperature 30℃ and pH 2.0. The tolerance of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to the concentrations of Ni^(2+) 40g '1 and Co^(2+) 30 g.1 can be achieved after long time adaptation by repeatedly subculturing in Leathen medium containing Certain concentrations of Ni^(2+) and Co^(2+). The Thiobacillus ferrooxidans possessed stronger ability of oxidizing Fe^(2+).
Nonferrous Metals