
G20视角下的沙特与全球经济治理 被引量:1

Saudi Arabia and the Global Economic Governance in the G20 Perspective
摘要 沙特阿拉伯于20世纪30年代发现石油,自70年代以来,随着石油价格的暴涨和世界石油需求量的猛增,使沙特迅速富有,一跃成为G20成员国,在全球经济治理中占有重要一席。由于沙特经济发展对国际市场和世界经济发展具有极强的依赖性,因此,在未来的全球经济治理中,沙特还会发挥更大的作用和影响力。 In the 1930s oils were discovered in Saudi Arabia.Since the 1970s,as oil prices have skyrocketed and demand for oils in the world has risen sharply,Saudi Arabia gets rich very quickly and becomes a member of the G20,taking up one important place in global economic governance.As its economic development is heavily dependent on the international markets and economic growth of the world,Saudi Arabia will still be able to bring its potentials and influence into fuller play in the global economic governance in the future.
作者 邹志强
出处 《和平与发展》 2012年第1期62-66,70,共5页 Peace and Development
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