本文用反相高压液相色谱(RHLC)研究了果酸的分离,找到了用紫外与示差折光检测器同时检测分离果酸的最佳条件,并以0.01M(NH_4)_2HPO_4 用H_3PO_4调节PH2.2~2.5。在上述条件下使果酸得到分离,用保留时间定性,用标准酸样的直线方程来定量。并对果实橙子中的柠檬酸和健力宝饮料中的酒石酸作了定量。
Simultaneously separating of carboxylic acids has been down by RPLC with ultraviolet at 210nm and refractive index detectors. Experiments have carried out whithin pH. 2. 2 to 2.5 adjusted with 0.01M (NH_4)_2HPO_4 buffer solution. Under the above-mentioned conditions a series standard acids have been separated. Their qualiying and quantifying have been down by retantion time determination and calibrartion curve comparison, respectivelly, The quantity of citric acid inorange and tartaric acid in beverage has been determened.
Guangzhou Chemistry