目的:比较不同底板设计金属托槽的抗剪切强度(Shear Bond Strength,SBS)及经过37℃人工唾液恒温水浴24h后对其抗剪切强度的影响。方法:选择4种不同底板设计的国产正畸金属托槽(A:传统网状底板;B:新型自锁网状底板;C:华夫样底板;D:燕尾状底板)。将A、B、C、D 4种托槽按是否经过37℃人工唾液恒温水浴,分为水浴组1:A1、B1、C1、D1和非水浴组2:A2、B2、C2、D2共8组,每组10个托槽。将托槽粘结于因正畸需要而拔除的上颌双尖牙上。使用I NSTRON电子万能材料试验机来检测抗剪切强度。粘结断裂的部位用粘结残留指数(Adhesi ve Remnant Index,ARI)来表示。结果:水浴组中C1、D1组的SBS均高于A1、B1,且差异具有显著性(P<0.01);非水浴组中B2、C2、D2组的SBS均显著高于A2组,且差异具有显著性差异(P≤0.001);水浴前后SBS,其中只有B、C两种托槽有差异(P<0.01),水浴组的SBS明显低于非水浴组。结论:托槽底板设计不同能够影响托槽的粘结强度,但所有的样本结果都能很好的满足正畸临床的需求。
Objective To compare the shear bond strength of different base structure of metal brackets and the influence to shear bond strength after storing for 24 hours in artificial saliva constant temperature water at 37℃. Methods Four different base structure of metal brackets of domestic were selected (A,traditional mesh bases;B,new self-ligating mesh bases;C,waffle bases;D,swallow-tailed bases) and divided into 8 groups according to whether through the 37℃ constant temperature artificial saliva water bath (water bath group:A1,B1,C1,D1;non-water bath group: A2,B2,C2,D2.n=10).Brackets were bonded on the surfaces of extracted maxillary premolars and tested the SBS with Instron universal testing machine. The adhesive fracture site was classified with the adhesive remnant index (ARI). Results The SBS of C1,D1 showed significantly greater than A1,B1 (P〈0.01).The SBS of B2,C2,D2 showed significantly greater than A2 (P〈0.001).the SBS of group B,C was significantly different before and after 24 hours artificial saliva constant temperature water bath (P〈0.01). Conclusion The different base structure brackets could influence the bond strength,but all could meet the clinical needs.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine