目的探讨建立兔VX2肝移植瘤模型的改进方法,并采用多层螺旋CT进行效果观察。方法选取40只兔分组建立肝移植瘤模型。对瘤块植入模型进行多方面的改良,并采用传统的肿瘤细胞注射法进行对照。于术后7、14、21 d分别进行多层螺旋CT扫描及病理学检查观察成瘤效果。结果改良瘤块植入法建立兔VX2肝移植瘤模型术后7 d成瘤率为100%,表现为肝内类圆形的肿块,肿瘤直径随术后时间逐渐增大。而瘤细胞注射法术后21 d成瘤率60%,且形状不规整,多伴有转移。结论相比传统的注射法,改进的移植瘤模型方法成瘤形状规则、速度快、成瘤率高、手术难度低,可更好地用于影像学及放射介入学的基础研究。
Objective To study the method of establishing the rabbit model of VX2 liver xenograft using multi- slice spiral CT(MSCT). Methods 40 rabbits were randomly divided into two groups of 20 each using the traditional method of VX2 liver tumor cell injection with or without several modifications. Contrast-enhanced MSCT was performed at 7, 14 and 21 days after tumor cell inoculation to monitor the tumor growth. Results The liver tumor formation rate using the modified method was 100% at 7 days after tumor cell inoculation. CT demonstrated round masses in the liver,which increased in size gradually over time. The liver tumor formation rate using the traditional method of tumor cell inoculation was 60% at 21 days after operation. The liver tumors were irregular in shape and were associated with metastasis. Conclusion The modified method of tumor vaccination was easier and resulted in higher rate of tumor formation, more regular shape of tumor, faster tumor growth than the traditional method.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology