
基于小波分析的全新世气候千年周期及其成因 被引量:12

摘要 根据北大西洋、亚洲和热带大洋典型的全新世气候记录,采用小波分析方法建立太阳活动与地球气候之间的联系,揭示了过去9000年,太阳活动千年周期能量传递存在一个逐级(能级A,B和C)递减的过程。其中,北大西洋冰漂碎屑事件与太阳活动的相位差最小,揭示了由太阳活动驱动的冰漂事件是地球气候变化的起始点。在冷暖期转化过程上,亚洲石笋与格陵兰冰芯呈现相反的模式,即是亚洲弱季风事件滞后而强季风事件超前;格陵兰冰芯冷期超前而暖期滞后。其机制可能是北欧淡水注入放大了弱太阳活动能量,导致亚洲季风强事件直接受太阳活动驱动,弱事件则响应于冰漂事件。 Studies on climates linked to solar changes and the North Atlantic were reviewed during Holocene, approximately. Here we report a reconstruction of Solar-transfer model of millennium cycle covering the past 9, 000 years in different regions, which is composed of twelve records from proxy indicators of solar activity, the North Atlantic climate zone,the Asian monsoon regions and the tropical ocean areas. Compared to the SSA and Fourier Analysis, Wavelet Analysis, as a method of signal processing, can better reveal the spectral characteristics of signal and attract major attention in paleoclimate. It can be used to identify common spectral signatures for Asian stalagmite records, ice core records and sediments of deep-sea records. The contribution rate of variance, correlation coefficient and phase of records were obtained by computer simulation. They provide the relationship of millennium cycle between solar activity and global climates, it is found that to some extent,the phase of Holocene climate record lags to that of solar activity; the contribution rate of variance and correlation coefficient both less than those of solar activity. The above facts suggest that the changing of global climates ,the North Atlantic ice-drafting events resulted from solar output first and meanwhile could have major impacts on different climate systems of the earth. By removing chronology of uncertainty, a Solar-transfer model for each of the processes of millennium cycle is combined. According to the reconstruction, the energy transfer processes of solar activity in millennium cycle can be divided into Energy Level A (composed of atmospheric A^4C record, Greenland ice core 1~Be record, the sunspot numbers by reconstruction and the North Atlantic ice drafting event records) , Energy Level B ( composed of Asian stalagmite records of DA, Q5 and HS4, Greenland ice core in RIP, GISP2 and North-GRIP, o^80 records and a reconstruction of temperatures in Greenland) and Energy Lever C ( composed of Cariaco Basin Ti record). F
出处 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期294-303,共10页 Quaternary Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:41172314)资助
关键词 全新世 太阳活动 千年周期 能量 Holocene, solar activity, millennium cycle, energy
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