
收益共享机制下的VMI供应链模型研究 被引量:6

Study on VMI Supply Chain Model with Revenue Sharing Mechanism
摘要 研究了VMI供应链协调性的问题。通过引入收益共享机制来协调整个VMI供应链,在产品需求服从正态分布,并考虑产品缺货成本的情况下分别建立并分析了在传统、Stackelberg博弈和纳什协商三种模式下的收益共享模型。结果表明在这三种模式下纳什协商的VMI供应链具有最好的协调性。最后通过数值算例对相关结论进行验证分析。 To deal with the coordination of the supply chain with VMI, the paper introduces the revenue sharing mechanism and establishes respectively the traditional, Stakelberg game based and Nash negotiation based models for the situation where the demand for the product follows normal distribution and the shortage cost of the product is taken into consideration. The result of a comparative study shows that of the three model, the Nash negotiation based model can ensure the most coordinated supply chain with VMI and finally the conclusions reached are tested using a numerical example.
作者 程菱 胡大伟
出处 《物流技术》 北大核心 2012年第2期129-131,152,共4页 Logistics Technology
关键词 VMI供应链 收益共享 协调 博弈分析 supply chain with VMI revenue sharing negotiation game analysis
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