根据塔里木盆地外围 2 0多个测站 37a( 1 96 1年~ 1 997年 )日照时数系列资料和塔里木盆地腹部 6个短期观测站 1 0a( 1 988年~ 1 997年 )日照时数资料 ,对塔里木盆地日照时数分布规律进行了系统的研究。建立塔里木盆地年日照时数预测模式为 y =-2 345 0 6 30 + 6 6 0 5 5 6 φ + 31 5 5 92λ。在此基础上 ,应用统计学导出的极值分布概率模式 ,对塔里木盆地年日照时数极值进行了推算。结果表明 :塔里木盆地年日照时数随纬度、经度的增加而增大 ,其分布特征为 :由东北向西南递减 ;最大值出现在塔里木盆地腹部东北部 ,最小值出现在塔里木盆地西南部。
A systematic study on distribution law of sunshine hours of the Tarim Basin was carried out by using sunshine hour series data from 20 odd stations in the peripheries of the Basin covering a period of 37 years (1961~1997) plus sunshine hour data from 6 short term stations in the interior of the Basin covering 10 years (1988~1997). The model established for forecasting annual sunshine hours in the Tarim Basin is y= -2 345 0630 +66.0556φ+31.5592λ. In light with the model,the sunshine hour extremes of the Basin were calculated by applying extreme distribution propability model derived according to statistics.Results indicate that the annual sunshine hours in the Basin increases with increase of longitude and latitude. The distribution of sunshine hours is characterized by a decrease from NE to SW, the maximum occurring in the northeast of the Basin and the minimum,in the southwest.
Resources Science
国家自然科学基金!资助项目 (编号 :Kj-0 3 -0 2 )