[ Objective ] The research aimed to understand the role of the physical quantity field forecast data in rainfall forecast. [ Method J By comparing rainfall forecast and actual rainfall from July 2 to 3rd ,2011 with that from September 12 to 15th ,2011 in Yantai, the advantages and disadvantages of different numerical forecast models ( Japan fax chart, European center, MM5, Grapes and T639 ) were contrasted. [ Result ] MICAFS system could provide the live physical quantity field situation, but not the future evolution situation. Fax image of Japan, European center, MM5, Grapes and T639 could provide the future evolution situation of the physical quantity field. [ Conclusion ] The contrast analyses on prediction situations of the physical quantity fields of many precipitation processes showed that the vertical velocity, depression of the dew point, relative humidity and wind field evolution at the different heights could improve the forecast accuracy of the precipitation in Yantai.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Numerical model
Physical quantity field evolution
Application of precipitation forecast