

Libai's Poetry and Heidegger's Theory
摘要 李白与海德格尔,一个是中国盛唐的著名诗人,另一个是德国现代最著名的哲学家,现象学的代表人物之一。两人远隔时空,很难想象会有什么交集的诗歌理论,然通过海德格尔的艺术真理理论,即以海德格尔的思来透视诗仙李白的诗,会发现李白诗的高度不完全来自其洒脱飘逸的风格,而从根本上说,是以亲在的体验体现了存在的真理,是把真理用诗的语言道出,从而达到了海德格尔所认同的诗意栖居的高度,达到了美与自由的境界。 Libai is one of famous poets in the Tang Dynasty in China,whose bold and unstrained style of poem makes him an outstanding poet:,and Heidegger is a celebrated German linguistic philosophy in modern times,whose theory is so profound that even well-known masters all over the world follow and delve into him.The two persons are kept apart in time and space,and it is hard to imagine there are similarities between them in any aspect.If we examine the poetry of Libai with Heidegger's theory of art and truth,we can find that the altitude of Libai's poetry not only lies in his specific poetic style,but in the fact that throughout his poetry you can find the fundamental truth about existence.Libai uses his poetic speech to convey the truth about human beings,achieving the goal of poetic living proposed by Heidegger.
作者 陈琳
出处 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2012年第2期99-100,共2页 JOurnal of Jixi University:comprehensive Edition
关键词 李白 海德格尔 存在 亲在体验 真理 Libai Poetry Heidegger Theory Personal experience Truth
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