目的通过对鸡窝子地区藓类植物生态分布格局的调查研究,以探索藓类植物分布与森林类型的关系。方法在不同森林类型中设立15个样点,并统计样点中每种藓类植物的平均盖度,以此盖度为指标,应用除趋势对应分析(DCA)对秦岭鸡窝子地区不同森林类型的藓类植物分布格局进行了研究分析。结果研究发现鸡窝子地区不同林型中藓类植物分布不同,阔叶林以尖叶提灯藓Mnium cuspidatum Hedw.,万年藓Climacium dendroides(Hedw.)Web.et Mohr.,狭叶小羽藓Haplocladium microphyllum(Hedw.)Broth,鼠尾藓Myuroclada maximowiczii(Borszoz.)Steere et Schof.为主,针叶林和针阔混交林以土生扭口藓Barbula vinealis Brid.,短月藓Brachymenium nepalenseHook.,中华木衣藓Drummondia sinensis C.Muell.,褶叶青藓Brachythecium salebrosum(Web.et Mo-hr)B.S.G.,金灰藓Pylaisia polyantha(Hedw.)B.S.G.为主。结论藓类植物群落分布与森林类型密切相关,同时,气候环境对藓类植物的分布也有密切关系,该结论也将丰富秦岭地区藓类植物生态研究。
Aim To explore the ecological distribution of moss in the Jiwozi Area to find the relationship between moss and forest system. Methods Fifteen sites were investigated in different forest types and counted the cover age of each kind of moss. Then DCA was applied to study the ecological distribution of moss in the different forests on its average cover age. Results The species of moss are different in each forest types. In broad-leaved forest, Mni- um cuspidatum Hedw. , Climacium dendroides (Hedw.) Web. et Mohr. , Haplocladium. microphyUum (Hedw.) Broth. and Myuroclada maxirrtowiczii (Borszoz.)were the main moss. Barbula vinealis Brid. , Brachymenium nepalense Hook. , Drummondia sinensis C. Muell. , Brachythecium salebrosum (Web. et Mohr) B. S. G. and Pylaisia polyantha (Hedw.) B. S. G. were the main moss in coniferous forest. Conclusion The distribution of moss is correlated with forest types. Moreover, the climatic environment were also closely related with the distribution pattern of moss. The analysis enriched the ecological studies on moss in the Qinling Mountain.
Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)