1:50 000数据库的更新工程数据库服务系统是以1:50 000数据库更新成果为基础,建立了一个基于B/S结构的服务系统,满足更新数据快速发布、浏览、应急服务等需求。本文介绍了该系统的设计思想、系统总体架构、数据库设计与建库、软件功能设计与实现,为其他地理信息数据系统建设提供借鉴。
A database service system based on B/S systematic struetureis established in order to meet the needs of rapid release of updating data. browsing, and emergency services for the results of 1:50 000 topographic database updating.This paper mainly describes the design of the system, including system arehiteclure, database design, and the funetional design, database building, and the corresponding implementation.
Geomatics World