目的了解广东省深圳市龙岗区孕期妇女对预防出生缺陷的知信行情况,为进一步完善围产期保健服务及健康教育工作提供合理化建议。方法采用分层随机抽样方法,抽取86名孕期妇女进行面对面问卷调查。结果 91.86%的孕期妇女在怀孕前听说过出生缺陷,80.77%的孕期妇女对政府免费发放叶酸制剂政策表示支持,50%的调查对象进行过婚前医学检查。文化程度高的孕妇,对孕期保健、预防出生缺陷知识掌握及叶酸的认知越高,夫妇双方参与婚前医学检查率明显高于文化程度低的;家庭人均月收入越高的孕期妇女对孕期"少接触农药/油漆"及"少接触猫狗等"行为的重视程度越高。相关知识来源途径以医生和宣传材料最高,分别为30.23%和29.07%。结论龙岗区孕期妇女对出生缺陷及叶酸的知识有一定的了解,文化程度与家庭经济状况是孕期妇女掌握出生缺陷相关知识的影响因素。
Objective To determine knowledge, attitude and practice about birth detects among pregnant women, and provide reasonable suggestions to improve perinatal health services and health education. Methods Stratified random sampling method was used to select 86 of pregnant women from three streets of Longgang District, Shenzhen City as participants in this study. Results There were 91.86% of pregnant women had heard of birth defect bdfore pregnancy. 80. 77% of them women said they supported the policy of distributing folic acid free by government. 50% of respondents conducted premarital medical examination. In higher education level group, the participation rate in premarital medical ex- amination of couples was significantly higher than that with low literacy. Moreover, pregnant women with higher literacy would pay more attention to prenatal care, prevention of birth defects and folic acid knowledge. The pregnant women with higher per capita monthly income of family would have higher degree of attention to you should get rid of contacting with pesticides/paint and reduce the opportunities of touching cats and dogs. The sources of knowledge about prevention birth defects before pregnancy were mainly from doctors and communication materials, with the proportion of 30. 23% and 29. 07%, respectively. Conclusion The findings showed that the level of general knowledge about birth defect and folic acid was relatively high among pregnant women in Longgang District. Literacy and per capita monthly income of family are influencing factors on knowledge about birth defects among pregnant women~
Chinese Journal of Health Education