在快衰落信道环境下,TD-SCDMA系统中一种常用的信道估计方法是子块处理法,该方法能准确地跟踪信道的快速变化.然而这种方法并没有考虑子块之间由多径引起的干扰.本文提出一种改进的信道估计方法,首先利用传统子块处理法进行信道估计,然后构造出相邻子块之间的干扰,从接收数据里去掉这些干扰,最后重新进行信道估计.仿真结果表明,本文提出的方法比文献[4]不进行干扰消除的子块处理法在同一误码率(BER)下,平均所需信噪比(SNR)降低1~2 dB.
In fast fading channel environment,a commonly used channel estimation method is sub-block processing in TD-SCDMA system.This method can track the fast fading channel accurately.However,it does not consider the interference caused by multi-path effests between the adjacent sub-blocks.This paper presented an improved channel estimation method.Firstly,we estimated channel with traditional sub-block processing method,and then constructed the interference between adjacent sub-blocks,removed it from the received data,and finally did channel estimation again.Simulation results show that at the same bit error rate(BER),the average needed signal to noise ratio(SNR) in the new method is 1-2dB lower than that in literature[4],whose channel estimation did not contain interference elimination.
Journal of Tianjin University of Technology