LNG broadens the gas market.Since 2000 and the development of LNG trading LNG has occupied an increasing share of international gas trade and become competitive with pipeline gas.In the meantime,as spot and short-term LNG boast a flexible pricing mechanism that accurately reflects supply-demand change in the gas market,they occupy an increasing share of total LNG trade and thus gradually put very big pressure on the long-term contractual LNG and pipeline gas price.When the distance exceeds 3,520 kilometers,LNG is less costly than pipeline gas,but pipeline gas'risk of interruption is lower than LNG.In order to promote the development of China's gas market,and strengthen its long-term stable gas supply capability,China will accelerate the formation of a competitive market for gas,and improve the mechanism for market-driven gas pricing.Meanwhile,China will balance the relative shares of LNG and pipeline gas in resource imports.
International Petroleum Economics