目的:调查湖南省长沙市岳麓地区不同乡镇大肠埃希菌O157∶H7宿主动物带菌情况。方法:2011年5月采集长沙市岳麓地区境内鸡、鸭、猪、牛等家畜家禽的粪便标本307份,按国标常规培养法检测大肠埃希菌O157∶H7。并采用PCR对分离菌株O157的抗原特异性基因rfb EO157进行检测。结果:307份标本中共检出阳性标本6份,总阳性率为1.95%(6/307),其中散放的鸡、鸭、猪带菌阳性率分别为1.67%(3/180)、14.29%(1/7)、2%(2/100)。且分离的6株大肠埃希菌O157∶H7特异性基因rfb EO157均为阳性。结论:长沙市岳麓地区家畜家禽已存在大肠埃希菌O157∶H7感染,应引起足够的重视。提示加强宿主动物大肠埃希菌O157∶H7监测,对疫情的分析和疫情预测具有重要意义。
Objective: To investigate the Escherichia coli O157∶H7 colonization in host animals in Yuelu Region of Changsha City in Hunan province.Methods: A total of 307 stool samples were collected from chickens,ducks,pigs,cattle,etc.in the Yuelu region,and Escherichia coli O157∶H7 was detected according to national standard conventional culture method in May 2011.Moreover,PCR was used to identify the specific rfbEO157 gene.Results: 6 of 307 samples were positive.The total positive rate was 1.95%(6/307),in which stocking chicken,duck and pig had a common carrier rate,and the positive rate was 1.67%(3/180),14.29%(1/7) and 2%(2/100),respectively.the specific rfbEO157 gene was found in all of the 6 strains of Escherichia coli O157∶ H7 isolated in Yuelu Region.Conclusion: The presence of Escherichia coli O157∶H7 in the livestock and poultry of Yuelu Region of Changsha City,should be paid sufficient attentionto.Data indicate that it is important to enforce the surveillance of O157∶H7 in animals to better predict and control of the disease.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University