自微软公司推出SQL Server关系数据库管理系统以来,其在越来越多的电子商务网站和企业信息平台中得以广泛使用。然而与之相关的信息安全问题也日益凸现和受到用户的密切关注。因此,为了保护SQL Server数据库避免来自各种途径的安全威胁,保障信息的安全,本文对其安全机制、安全策略和保障其安全的管理策略进行了探讨,提出了相应的解决措施和办法,以供参考。
The Microsoft SQL Server relational database management system since been widely used in a growing number of e-commerce sites and enterprise information platform.However, the associated information security issues become more apparent by the close attention of the user.Therefore,in order to avoid security threats from a variety of ways to protect SQL Server database to ensure information security, this security mechanism,security policies and protection of their safety management strategy discussed the measures and methods to for reference.
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