
四川省藏区防治棘球蚴病健康教育效果评价 被引量:28

Assessment of Health Education against Echincococcosis in Tibetan Region of Sichuan Province,China
摘要 目的探索在藏区开展健康教育的有效形式,促进棘球蚴病防治工作的可持续开展。方法 2008年7~11月,在四川省甘孜州石渠县、康定县和炉霍县,采用问卷调查和小组座谈形式相结合,对部分在校学生,牧区群众、乡镇干部和寺庙僧侣的棘球蚴病防治知识和健康教育材料的需求进行调查,根据调查结果设计制作具有针对性较强的健康教育材料。2009年10月在四川省甘孜州康定县塔公乡,对不同人群(学生、居民、干部和僧侣)进行棘球蚴病防治知识和行为的基线调查并用制作的健康教育材料开展活动,2010年5月对该人群进行健康教育材料使用情况的效果评价;同时,选择地域相邻,人文、自然、地理和发病等情况相似的康定县新都桥镇作为对照,不实施健康教育行动,以评价健康教育活动的干预效果。结果根据不同人群对健康教育材料和形式需求的差异,设计制作了多种形式的健康教育材料。健康教育实施后的调查结果显示,学生和牧区居民对棘球蚴病防治知识的知晓率有明显的提高(P<0.05)仅"饭前应洗手"一项,健康教育前后学生的知晓率》[分别为88.6%(78/88)和95.5%(84/88)]的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)学生和牧区居民的各项行为改善率非常显著(P<0.01)。尽管健康教育前后干部和僧侣的行为改善不明显(P>0.05),但牧区居民和干部对"正确处置动物内脏"的行为则分别从健康教育前的37.1%(13/35)和30.3%(10/33)上升至健康教育后的82.9%(29/35)和78.8%(26/33)(P<0.01);而僧侣中"不喂养野犬"健康教育前后分别为6.4%(3/47)和10.6%(5/47)(P>0.05);学生、居民和僧侣对接犬危险性的认识率和行为改善率分别提高了18.2%和19.3%,42.8%和54.3%,6.4%和14.9%,对照县则无明显变化。结论本次设计的健康教育材料针对性强,易于接受,对不同人群的棘球蚴病防治知识知晓率和行为改善影响较明显。 Objective To find an effective strategy of implementing health education in Tibetan Regions so as to make echinococcosis control sustainable at a large scale. Methods During July to November of 2008, surveys were conducted on health education requirements among various populations in the form of questionnaire and group discussion in endemic areas of echinococcosis in three counties of the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan. Based on the obtained results, health education materials suitable for different populations were designed. The materials were applied for conducting health education in field at Tagong Township, Kangding of Ganzi in October, 2009. By the survey in May, 2010, the improved effect on knowledge and behavior change was compared before and after (6 months later) health education in order to assess the usefulness of these materials, simultaneously, Xinduqiao Township of Kangding was selected as control. This town is neighboring to the study area with similar natural and demographic conditions, in which no health education activities related to the study was implemented. Results Various populations showed their interested requirements for health education materials and ways. Based on the information collected, a series of materials were designed and applied for health education activities in field. The results indicated that, compared with the data before health education, improvement of the knowledge and behaviors against echinococcosis among students and local residents showed significant increase (P〈0.05), but only one knowledge point about the importance of washing hands before meal among students showed no significant difference (P'M).05) in spite of the rates increasing from 88.6% (78/88) before health education to 95.5% (84/88) after education. The local officers "and monks also showed to some extent im- provement on behavior manners. The rate of correct treatment of livestock viscera increased from 37.1% (13/35) and 30.3% (10/33) before the educat
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期6-11,共6页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
基金 国家“十一·五”科技重点支撑项目(No.2006BA106B06)~~
关键词 藏区 棘球蚴病 健康教育 需求 效果评价 Tibetan region Echinococcosis Health education Requirement Assessment
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