The one-dimensional Bose gas is an unusual superfluid. In contrast to higher spatial dimensions, the existence of non-classical rotational inertia is not directly linked to the dissipationless motion of infinitesimal impurities. Recently, experimental tests with ultracold atoms have begun and quanti- tative predictions for the drag force experienced by moving obstacles have become available. This topical review discusses the drag force obtained from linear response theory in relation to Lan- dau's criterion of superfluidity. Based upon improved analytical and numerical understanding of the dynamical structure factor, results for different obstacle potentials are obtained, including single impurities, optical lattices and random potentials generated from speckle patterns. The dynamical breakdown of superfluidity in random potentials is discussed in relation to Anderson localization and the predicted superfluid-insulator transition in these systems.
The one-dimensional Bose gas is an unusual superfluid. In contrast to higher spatial dimensions, the existence of non-classical rotational inertia is not directly linked to the dissipationless motion of infinitesimal impurities. Recently, experimental tests with ultracold atoms have begun and quanti- tative predictions for the drag force experienced by moving obstacles have become available. This topical review discusses the drag force obtained from linear response theory in relation to Lan- dau's criterion of superfluidity. Based upon improved analytical and numerical understanding of the dynamical structure factor, results for different obstacle potentials are obtained, including single impurities, optical lattices and random potentials generated from speckle patterns. The dynamical breakdown of superfluidity in random potentials is discussed in relation to Anderson localization and the predicted superfluid-insulator transition in these systems.